Friday, September 01, 2006

A New Day Dawning

Okay Boys and Girls..

The Boss is NOT going to work.

She said back in June, " NO MORE!!"

God bless her!

Her former workmates are busy doing their stuffs to get their classrooms ready and the Boss is sitting home enjoying her new freedom!!

Now I have to plan vacations other than end of June, July or early August ( have to be around to set up the classroom - IF the keys are released to the teachers to get into school!)

We couldn't plan a vacation from September until June because of the dedication involved, but why talk about the PAST!!

So, with football season rolling along right now, I'm the one who is throwing the wrench into the gears because I have to be around for the weekends to film( video, or something).


like I said, It's a new day a dawning!!!

and maybe the basement will get cleaned out!!


one can only hope!!
so, is it safe to assume that once that basement gets cleared out a pool table will be moving in???
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