Thursday, July 06, 2006


Trip down souff was great. On the way down ( I 95 + I 85 ) I heard on the radio that it was the fiftieth anniversary of the US Interstate system started by Dwight D.

Cool!! Good job USA!! The highways are great.

What was even better was the ride home. I particularly do NOT like sitting in traffic because of construction so I95 was a less favorable route home.

I checked out good ol' MAPQUEST and they routed me north on I77 to I81 to East I78 to Jersey.

The mileage was about 20 miles longer than the 85, 95 route but I avoided Richmond, DC and Baltimore and possible traffic jams on the NJ Turnpike.

The time difference was unbelievable!! Mapquest estimated a 9 hr 58 min trip from Cardross Lane to Albert Street and we left 6:30 AM and was back in HOMETOWN USA by 3:30 PM.

9 hours flat. Including two pit stops.

Only had to hit the speed limit twice during the trip when the rains came down in buckets so I slowed down to 60 ish to pass some 18 wheelers kicking up some monster spray on the windshield.

Needless to say the BOSS was "VERY" happy when the rains came thinking of hydro-plane-ing off a cliff into the Shenandoah Valley or some dopey mountain in Virginia or West Virginia or someplace along the route.

WHATEVER!!! I made good time and the Boss got home safely, ( Physically and not to mentally damaged !!)

Gotsta do it again!!

Had a great visit and the lilly lilly kid can say "WHOOO - WHOOOO!!!"

Next I gotta teach her to spit!!


Sorry to hear about FLOODS Part III!! I hate water in the basement!!
Glad ya made it home safe, those mountains can be mean when they jump out in front of you ;O)
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