Thursday, May 11, 2006

When are Kids NOT Kids?

Damn.. I'm only twelve years old, but reading the blogs of the chilluns make me and the world see that the kids ain't kids no more!!

Hell.. they can say FULL sentences!!!

Yowser yowser... reading the blogs is definately PONDEROUS!!!

The kid asked me in her blog what I didn't say to my folks before their passing...

eh... probably that I didn't say how much I realized how much THEY sacrificed for me and my brother. But now that they are gone, I can see that they instilled their sense of duty and love to their family in how I try to treat my kids and hope they learn the same lessons I learned from my folks.

Simple, hard working folks who really gave a damn that tried their best. That's a hell of an epitath.

Do I regret my not saying things to my folks? NO!!!

If they didn't know that I loved them and appreciated all they did for me and my brother, well .. it sucks to be them. I know my kids love me and the Boss so..

gooney goo gus!! I'm not a mushy hearts and flowers dude!

Kid - " Eh hey I love you!"
Porq - " Good! get me a beer!"

Is there anything else??? I know, you know, the Boss knows, the kids know, and


Like the Bud commercials said -

"True... True..."
yo porq-
Happy Mother's Day to the Boss!
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