Monday, March 06, 2006

Happy Stuffs


We just did the Family Bowling stuffs this weekend. The kids all had fun!!

Even Granma enjoyed herself with the kids.


The shirts didn't win the best outfit but if all 15 shirts were there, we might have gotten an honorable mention.

One cool thing that happened... the boy did not bowl but me and the Boss took care of him whilst the others bowled. On one of the ways back from the amusement machines(quarter hungry, money eating monsters!!) the boy saw a contingent of people wearing black shirts and immediately set his course to this site. Upon arrival to this destination, the boy looked up and probably did a WTF... WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???



I corraled the little bugger and headed him to GRANMA sitting by Mom and Dad and the WORLD WAS GOOD AGAIN!!

This happened twice to the boy and once with the next one up the ladder.
(These kids are definately POLISH!!) I'm so PROUD!!

Hey we still had a real good time.

Can't wait to see the real lilly kid for Easter.
If I'm going there for Easter, maybe I should call her a "LILY" kid??

Pierogi school WILL be open!!

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