Thursday, December 01, 2005

December Eve is OVER


What a party last night!!

I hope all of you had a great December Eve last night 'cause the ol' PORQ did the ol' party hearty trick, and I had lots of reasons to celebrate.

1) December only comes around once a year, so WHY NOT CELEBRATE?

2) The boss' school project went well with her 1st graders doing the readings at a special Mass.

3) I found out that I overpaid some employees and now I have to take the money back... JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!! ( some people think I enjoy being a prick... heh-heh-heh-heh.. if they only knew!!!)

4) Before I went to "DARTS" the Boss wished me well and asked what time would I be home. I said probably around 9 but didn't show up until 11!! eh... I ran late!!!

5) Our dart team swept 7 games.

6) I collected chips for the CHIP FOUNDATION so I can get the funds to the proper recipients of the Charity Helping Individual People fund.

7) I did a few "snowshoes" last night and I remembered how nice the VO mixes with the 100 proof peppermint schnapps.. it slides down real easy!!

8) And since people wished me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I had a few beers!!

I can't wait for February EVE!!! The one in between Dec & Feb is for amateurs... the silly boneheads who have a few drinks and put lampshades on their heads and blow horns and jump up and down at midnight. ??? I don't get it???? Why celebrate only once a year??? JERKS!!!

Well anyway, here we are ... DECEMBER!! Oh boy it's gonna be fun to celebrate another Birthday and what really got me going this morning ( other than the pain of multi-doses of stuffs last night) is reading a blog and a person out in TEXAS wished my lilly kid a happy too-ahhh!
It makes me feel good that people like my kids and somewhere in the back of my brainbone, me and the boss did a good job bringing the kids up. COOL! Ya bust yer butt hollerin', worrying, and trying to make the little suckers grow up good and check it out, 30 plus years later the kids are cool!! (The Boss did a DAMN good job!! - I just taught them how to spit!!)

Happy Birthday to EVERYBODY!!!

hate to break it to you, Jhonny.... I still can't spit, and I still throw a softball like a girl.

oh well... and least I learned that kids need to have their hair combed by granpas..... so you definitely did some stuff right by me.


Mmm..snowshoes sound yummy!!!

And Carrie, I don't believe for a second that you can't spit.
Not. One. Second.
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