Monday, September 26, 2005

The Smell of MONEY?

Oh Boy, did you ever go to Mickey D's and pick up some stuffs to bring back for the kiddies?

The only person I knew of on earth who never had a McDonald was ADOLPH KUCHTA.
(God bless his penny-pinching soul)

Well anyway, Sunday me and the Boss gets the babysittin' call because the kids gotsta go to a wedding in POUGHKEEPSIE, (out of state!!).

Sunday was counting time under the church and being the new team captain ( by default, the first two captains died!!) I had to wait until the collection of the Noon mass and make the deposit.

OKAY.. no problem, Money's in the bank, keys are back in the church, counting room is all locked up, time to go babysit.

I stop at Casa de Porq and call to see if the Boss( she's there already.) needs anything on my trip north.


I zoom off to grandkid land stop at the local McD's for the grub.

GOD, I love this country!! If Mickey D is supposed to be AMERICAN, why the hell are all the employees at that location some type of Aztec, Inca, Mayan, or some other short lettuce picker??

English being the THIRD language spoken at this McD, needless to say with my hearing deficiency I did not know what the hell these short people were saying and the little bastards charged me for a double cheeseburger and never put it in the bag. GRRRR!!!

Well anyway, I rushed to the Grankids with the Happy McNuggets and stuffs and I was greeted at the door by a throng of children!!!!

Wait.. I only have three at this location and usually when Granpa shows up, they basically hide because I suck!!

BUT NOOOOOOOO!! All three came running to the door with hugs and kisses..!!

??? DUH?????

Maybe the kids are starting to like me??

Yeah, right... maybe the espanols will speak english!!

It's amazing what the smell of FRENCH FRIES does to a kid. If Freddy Kruger smelled like French Fries, everybody would run to him too!!

The kids hung around me all day and even the Boy sat next to me and like laid down on me!!

I'm not taking a bath!! Gotsta keep that smell!!

Here, maybe this can help you with the wee-ones:

McDonald's Trip Planner
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