Thursday, September 01, 2005


Oh boy,

If it rains in Hometown, USA........

will the locals LOOT?

FACT - New Orleans is pretty much screwed. ( Water damage, surge destruction, dead bodies trapped in buildings, smashed structures from looters, etc. etc. etc.)

FACT - Nuclear explosions cause a tremendous amount of heat. Nuke New Orleans to dry it up and get rid of the looters, level the damaged buildings, dispose the dead bodies (New ones and the ones that floated up from the cemetaries) and give future looters something to think about.

FACT - The Ol' Porq is pretty sick!!

FACT - It's Happy September Everybody!!! Did everyone go to the September Eve party that was held at their local pubatoriums????

FACT - Football season started. Two scrimmages under the belt and the season starts next Friday!! YAHOOOOOO!!!!! (Extra chips for Porq to play with!!)

FACT - It's gotta suck down in Lousy-anna! Poor bastards!!

FACT - Some people STILL don't like the RED CROSS because of the way they treated the soldiers in Korea. ( Old people don't forget shit like that, names, where they live, other stuffs they forget, but being treated like shit during the Korean War, they DON'T forget.)

FACT - It always sucks to be somebody!!

FACT - It's NOT between 4 and 5 AM and I'm wishing all the "Loved Ones" a Happy Anniversary!

FACT - I just found out today that Cousin Wayne's Daughter just passed her CPA tests.

FACT - The boss starts school today with the lilly kids. Hello tension!!

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