Thursday, April 28, 2005

Bare Bear Facts


Just be coincidence, a fellow worker started to talk about BEARS!!!

He said that the Kodiak bear is the largest and I immediately said the Polar bear was larger.

Ahhh confrontation!!!

I said that the Kodiak was a brown bear and the polar bear was a larger bear.

He pulled up a website that stated the Alaskan Kodiak bear, a subspecies of the brown bear, was the largest land carnivore and that's pretty cool considering carnivores eat PEOPLE (form of meat).

The Library of Congress states that the Polar bear is generally considered the largest bear on Earth. A close second is the brown bear, specifically the Kodiak bear, native to Alaska.

Check it out!!!

Polar Bear:
Average Weight of Mature Male = 900 - 1500 pounds
Heaviest Recorded = 2,210 lbs.
Average Length of Mature Male - 8 - 8.4 feet

Brown Bear:
Average Weight of Mature Male = 500 - 900 pounds
Heaviest Recorded = 2,500+ lbs.
Average length of Mature Male = 7 - 10 feet

WOW!! That's some stuffs !!

Who is gonna weigh and measure the fuzzy sucker that got away and is going

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR on the horizon???


since everybody was talking about the "GLOWING" Russian landscape.. and one of the future mutants will be a SUPER ROOSKI Bear that will possibly measure up to a good ol' AMERICAN KICK YOUR ASS AND EAT YOU UP Bear !!!



Sounds like the 80's olympics!!

How big to PIGS get?? DUH!!!


Here's the deal: The LoC recorded those oh-so-interesting facts about the bears. Let's keep in mind that these are those facts that we were able to record. I can bet that there have been 2500-3000lb polar bears out there - but damn, if they weren't hanging out where we DO NOT go (read as : Arctic Circle) we might have bumped into them. Luckily - that answer is no.
So - I will still give props to the Kodiak as being one mean mutha, and probably by average nowadays larger than the polar bear. Larger? Yup. Studies have shown that the average weight of recorded polar bears have been dropping, probably due to the shring arctic area (global warming) and diminished food sources. Given a choice between meeting a Kodiak and a polar bear - I would still probably choose the Kodiak. It's a solid bet that the Kodiak ate a lot more recently than the polar bear.

polar, brown or black..... I'm still staying away from the bears.
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