Monday, November 29, 2004

Let Us Give Thanks


Thank you Lord for Monday Mornings....

especially after a 4 day Holiday weekend!!!

Time to get some rest!!!

AHHHHH !!! Safe in the bosom of the County!!

Protected from the evils of the world, living in a make-believe world of County Government,
doing stuffs to earn my salary and add to my pension in 2010!!!

Now that I'm back "AT WORK".. I'll have time to post a new blog... do some KofC stuffs..

shop on-line for Christmas stuffs ( NOTE BIEN... I did NOT say X-Mas GRRRR!!! )

It seems the "X-Mas" things is some kind of NON-Christian thing, or ... Satanic thing to discredit the Jesus Dude from 2000 years ago.

I mean... Gooney Goo GUS !!! X this !!!

Moses was some kind of super dude in his day for the Hebrews out there.. and Buddha and those other fat bastards tried to set the minds straight for the yellow skins and we have the Mohammed guy doing his thing for the sand people. AND a lot of people have the Jesus Dude!!!

All these guys wanted us to live cool!! ya know .. no bullshit, just being cool.

SO... if any of the other "religious" sects have something to say about my style of religion...

ESAD !!!!!

Ok let's go on..

Time to do some stuffs at the ol' county desk and keep the Big Guy happy!!

( In order to survive in the real world of working for a living.. ya gots ta keep the boss happy!!)

You know as well as I do that some time in your life you're gonna have to eat a shit sandwich!!
Sucks to be you but remember while you're eating the sandwich...


Ya gotta find happiness in everything ya do!! Alfred E. Newman is right!!!

So ... me and the boss are gonna go into this holiday season with visions of sugar plums and stuffs because...

WE CAN !!!!

THANK GOD !!! ( I'm not saying which one!!! )


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