Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Teach Old Dogs New Tricks


When's my turn to learn how to Blog pictures???? DUH !!!!

If Lifeguard Bill starts a blog on Tuesday and starts posting pictures of CDQ part3 on Wednesday.....

God Damn Sam.... I gotta get off my dead butt and learn this stuffs.

I mean, I'm not talking about cute lilly pictures of puppy dogs, I'm talking STUFFS!

So... if you guys wanna see the STUFFS....... ya gotsta teach me the stuffs ... or at least a site to store the stuffs to reference (AHEM!!!! DAN !!!! )

Well anyway, good to see Bill on the web and good luck with the pool table!

I think a plain table with a cribbage board would be better, but who listens to me????

So.. I'll just wait here on the BEST coast ( nothing to do with the WEST coast) and hope things work out OK !!!

Eagerly awaiting a goo-goo and wah-wah from the other side !!!


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