Friday, September 24, 2004

Pirates In America


The guy with the patch just hoisted his jolly roger over my wallet!! God Damn Airlines!!

Okay, okay... you guys know about the lilly kid out west. Well, the christening is gonna be in Hometown, USA.

In order for the left coast to get to the best coast, ya gotsta fly. I knew that, the boss knew that, the kids knew that. Hell, I told them many moons ago in the monster belly days that I'll pick up the tab for the trip. WHY??

Because I can!!! AND... the boss wants the kids home so she could see the lilly kid!

CHIPS... No problem..... but I hear that Continental airlines just stopped giving half price fares for infants to fly the day before Carrie could make a reservation for the Eastern journey!

ONE DAY!!! Ouch... !! Rotten bastards!!

Oh well, you heard me say it before, and you know that I'll say it again in the future....

It always sucks to be somebody!!! ( MY TURN !!!! )

I'm now happy that I bitched about something but way down deep inside, you guys know I'm happy as a duck because the baby is fine, the kids are ok, the schoolster is doing fine, Laney is still Laney (good grief!!) and the lilly boy is still a lilly boy.

I'm also glad for the CDQ III having a cribbage board in the house (HINT HINT) and the Dan man didn't go down the river via SWAN STREET. ( water in houses BITES!!!) Porqville used to float!! Paid the ten grand for the immigrants to dig the trenches and put in the sump pumps and THANK GOD it's done.

The basement always had the leak in the corner that spread and the shop vac was constantly sucking GALLONS of water for me to dump. NO MORE !!! High and dry!! No more BenGay for the lower back!!

Oh Boy... I'm Happy!!


Cribbage???? More flashbacks to college days-no doubt the cribbage board will be taking up a prized place with the pool table and the chess board!
The water was lame. On the plus side, I get ANOTHER new washer. If you know anyone with mad Kennmore repair skills -- washers need new motor control board and motor -- and can haul the thing out of the basement before the 8th, it is theirs. Ummmm, front loading washer.
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